Monday, September 12, 2011

#hackgate Sean this normal activity for a ' non-suspicious death' ?

10.00pm: Three Police officers carrying cameras and wearing white forensic suits arrived a short time ago at Sean Hoare's flat in Watford.
Fifteen minutes earlier, at about 9.15pm, a police van marked "Scientific Services Unit" pulled up at the address, a block of flats that the journalist moved into in November 2009.
The Press Association reports that two officers emerged carrying evidence bags, clipboards, torches and laptop-style bags and entered the building.

"A former show-business reporter for The News of the World, Sean Hoare, who was fired in 2005, said that when he worked there, pinging cost the paper nearly $500 on each occasion. He first found out how the practice worked, he said, when he was scrambling to find someone and was told that one of the news desk editors, Greg Miskiw, could help. Mr. Miskiw asked for the person’s cellphone number, and returned later with information showing the person’s precise location in Scotland, Mr. Hoare said. Mr. Miskiw, who faces questioning by police on a separate matter, did not return calls for comment."